Date of Joining: 17-06-2009 Educational Qualification: M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. Teaching Experience: 14 Years 06 Months Field of Research: Ad-Hoc Network
D. R. Jiji Mol and S.Lokesh, “Collaboration of 5G Cellular Network and Cloud Computing in Internet of Things: An Analysis and Research Challenges”, International Conference on Innovative Trends in Business and Technologies in the New Decade, Vol.1, Quarterly Issue, ISSN 2348- 4708, Feb-2020, Pages: 278-283.
D. R. Jiji Mol and S. Behin Sam, “Secure Quality Of Service Aware Routing InMANET Based On Collaborative Trust Model”, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 11,Iss.13, ISSN 1819-6608, July 2016, Pages: 1-7.
D. R. Jiji Mol and S. Behin Sam, “Secure and Quality of Service Routing in MobileAd Hoc Network: A Survey”, International Journal of Scientific & EngineeringResearch, Vol. 7, Iss. 6, ISSN 2229-5518, June 2016,Pages:529-534.
D. R. Jiji Mol and S. Behin Sam, “Friend Based Trust Recommendation Model for Secure Quality of Service Aware Routing in Manet”, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Vol.10, Iss.8,ISSN:1991-8178, April 2016, Pages: 68-72.
D.R. Jiji Mol and S. Behin Sam, “Trust Based QoS Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Network”, International Conference on Emerging Trends and Challenges in Science & Technology-ICETCST, 2013