The Department of Microbiology was established in the year 1993-1994, where students and faculties are involved in exciting educational and core activities in the field of Microbiology. Currently the Department offers B.Sc., Microbiology and M.Sc., Applied Microbiology programs. The curricula for this course are set on the basis of CBCS (Choice Based Credit System) which fulfill the requirements of research laboratories, industries, etc. The Department possesses a highly efficient and well qualified teaching faculties.
The Department imparts knowledge of the basic principles of Bacteriology, Mycology, Parasitology, Virology, Phycology, Immunology etc., including the beneficial aspects as well as the nature of pathogenic microorganisms, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis, transmission, prevention and control of diseases common in the world. The course offers a great opportunity to study the microbial world and to learn how this knowledge has provided a foundational understanding of diverse microbiological processes.
Our vision is to provide transformative education through fundamental knowledge in various disciplines of Microbiology and nurture the students by providing a conducive learning environment and making them responsible citizens
- To create a favourable learning atmosphere to the students to ensure an effective teaching-learning process
- To enhance the opportunities in Research and Development for the students and Faculty
- To motivate and train the students to excel in practical skills to compete in complex and dynamic technological world
- We shall uphold truth, integrity, honesty, tolerance and accountably as our guiding principle