About Cell

Research productivity, knowledge generation and innovation play vital role in every Educational institution.  The attainment of these activities depends upon the alignment of faculty with the aspects of research initiatives being undertaken at department as well as institution level. SRM Arts and Science College aims to achieve excellence in research and strives to be one of the top Institutions in research frontiers.

The Research and Development Cell of the College aspires to provide and encourage inclusive and supportive research for the faculty as well as the students towards achieving this goal.


  • To create an ambience to nurture research.
  • To promote inter and multi-disciplinary research and innovative skills of the faculty members and students.
  • To encourage the faculty members and the students to publish research papers in refereed journals and in conferences.
  • To create quality human resources for scientific research.
  • To undertake research on societal related problems.
  • To interact with the stakeholder in higher education for sustaining current situations and to develop the quality in higher education.


  • Dr. D.R. Jiji Mol, Asst Prof., Dept. of Computer Science


  • Dr. G. Kumar, Asst Prof., Dept. of Mathematics
  • Dr. S. Elayamurugan, Head i/c, Dept. of Business Admin.
  • Dr. J. Deepika, Asst Prof., Dept. of Biotechnology
  • Mrs. D. Dhanalakshmi, Asst Prof., Dept. of Manage. Stud.
  • Dr. S. Sabitha, Asst. Prof., Dept of English
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