About Cell

The Minority and OBC Committee was established with the primary aim of enabling the OBC and Minority students, assisting and guiding them in their curricular and co-curricular activities. The Committee is committed to provide an environment that support diversity and respects everyone. In addition to that the Committee also over sees to ensuring protection of everyone includes minorities. The College through the Committee has been very much committed to provide services to the educational, cultural and social needs of the Minority community along with other caste, creed and nationality to its capacity. The Minority committee basically helps minority students including Christian, Muslim etc. for their academic development.


  • To ensure equality in opportunities for education of OBC and Minority students.
  • To empower the faculty and student belongs to minority and other backward communities.
  • To handle the issues and short & long-term needs of the minorities and OBCs.
  • To make the OBC and Minority students aware of the various scholarship’s schemes of the Central and State Governments.
  • To provide prompt counselling for any emotional emergencies arising on account of any event on the College campus.
  • To provide these students with a grievance Redressal mechanism in addition to the regular Redressal mechanism.

Role and Responsibility of the Committee:

  • To communicate with the students and motivate them for better future planning
  • To conduct the programme for disseminating the scholarship schemes provided by governmental agencies and other sources
  • To carry out capacity-building programmes for these students, as per the need and capacity.
  • To Provide career counselling, academic guidance, and personal counselling services to address the specific needs of MBC and minority students.
  • To deal with representations received from Other Backward Class students and minority students regarding their admission, scholarships, and other similar matters in the college.

Chairperson :

  • Dr. R. Vasudevaraj, Principal

Member Secretary:

  • Mr. M. Balasubramanian, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Mathematics


  • Mr. G. Inbasagaran, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Computer Science
  • Mr. G. Durai Muthu Mani, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Biochemistry
  • Mr. I. Yudharaj, Junior Asst, Ad
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