About Cell

The Women Empowerment Cell functions for the intellectual and Socio-economic upliftment of the female Students and Staff members. It organizes diverse Programmes for women to identify their true potential for the betterment of their life and the Society. Besides promoting Gender equality, the Cell strives to teach and train the young women to attain emotional and mental freedom to take pertinent decision in their life.


  • To organize Programmes and Activities for Women Empowerment.
  • To encourage Girl Students and Female Staff Members to participate enthusiastically in various Programmes and Competitions.
  • To sensitize the Student Community on Eve-teasing, Violence against Women, harassment etc.
  • To develop the Self-Confidence of women in building their Self-Identity.
  • To review safety and security measures for Female Employees and Girl Students at Campus.
  • To promote a Culture of respect, equality and freedom for Female Gender.
  • To instill the Entrepreneurial Attitude among the Girl Students.
  • To provide psychological support for the Students lagging in Academic Performance.
  • To counsel the Girls Students to overcome their Anxiety, Depression, Health issues and Psychological problems.
  • To enhance their understanding of issues related to women in the Society and to face the challenges with great courage.


  • Dr. V. S. Padmavathy, Asst, Prof.,  Dept. of CAT


  • Dr. K. Priya, Asst Prof., Dept. of CAT
  • Dr. R. Sujatha, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Biotechnology
  • Mrs. D. Dhanalakshmi, Asst, Prof., Dept. of Business Admin.
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