PG Department of Commerce, Department of Commerce (ISM), and Department of Commerce( A&F) celebrated Christmas 2021 on the 23rd of December 2021, Thursday in the department premises. The event chief guest was Dr.R. Vasudevaraj, Principal, SRM Arts and Science College. The event began with prayer and a special message by J.Jeffey, of final year MBA student. After the special prayer, A Choir performance of the song Joy to the world was given by Dr. B. Don Bosco and students. Prof. P. Horsley Solomon, Head, Department of Electronics Science, addressed the gathering about the importance of Christmas in our lives. Then, Mrs.Sahaya Sugirtha Cindrella, Assistant Professor, Department of CS performed gospel reading. The same team gave a second Choir performance. S. Manisha, 2nd-year student, presented the vote of thanks. Finally, the celebration ends with Cake cutting by the Principal, Vice Principal, Faculty and Students.