
  • Start Date 16/07/2020
  • End Date 16/07/2020

About Event

Department of Computer Science and Applications organized a Webinar on “CRYPTOGRAPHY ENCRYPTION TECHNIQUES” Our Principal guided us for the arrangement. It was held on  16thJuly  2020 at 11. 00 AM. Dr. V. Subedha, Professor and Head, Department of CSE, Panimlar Institute of Technology was invited as Resource person for that session.  She explained the use of Cryptography, Encryption techniques and how it is useful for us in real time. She explained the working principle of AES and RSA algorithm in Encryption and Decryption. It was really a useful session to have an idea about the Encryption techniques. The invitation was designed with all the webinar details and circulated through social media. We received 500 registrations from various college faculties and students, during the session 192 participants participated. For all the participants’ participation e-certificate was sent through their registered email. Our Department Head and Faculties played a major role for the arrangement and it was organized in a successful manner.


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