Department of Hindi, to enrich the mind of the People amidst the Lockdown due to Covid-19 outbreak, organized a ‘National Level Online Quiz-2020’ for five days from 6th July to 10th July, 2020. The Poster and the Greeting for the Quiz were designed and circulated to as many people as possible through personal contacts, Emails and What’s app groups. The Quiz had 25 Multiple Choice Questions on ‘PERSONALITIES AND EPITHETS’ of Hindi Literature. The Participants who would secure above 50% in the Quiz were eligible to earn e-Certificate. The Quiz received overwhelming response from Pricipal, Faculty, Hindi Teachers, Hindi Pracharks, Research Scholars, Hindi Officers, Hindi Translators, Hindi Typists Home makers and Officials from various fields all around the Nation. Totally 874 Candidates took part in the Quiz. Out of them, 595 Candidates secured above 50% and received their e-Certificates. The participants’ response for the Quiz was indeed more encouraging for the department to organize many more Programmes.