Date of Joining: 22-09-2000 Educational Qualification: M.Com., M.Phil., MBA.,Ph.D. Teaching Experience: 22 Years Field of Research: Banking
Mr.P.Elumalai and Dr.R.Panchalan (2019), Payment banks: Emerging challenges and opportunities of cashless transaction in India, International Journal of research in advanced Technology, ISSN – 2321-9637.
Mr.P.Elumalai and Dr.R.Panchalan (2019), Evolution and growth of payment banks in India – Conceptual study, International Journal of and Analytical Reviews, ISSN – 2348 – 1269.
Mr.P.Elumalai and Dr.R.Panchalan (2020), Customer Satisfaction towards payment bank with special reference to Chennai city, Studies in Indian Place Names, ISSN 2394-3114
Mr.P.Elumalai and Dr.R.Panchalan (2020), Measuring customer satisfaction towards payment bank – An Empirical study, Sambodhi Journal listed in UGC care, ISSN – 2249 – 6661.