Date of Joining: 02-07-2019 Educational Qualification: MBA, ,M.Phil. Teaching Experience: 11 years 5 months Industrial Experience:11 Months Field of Research: Management
Presented a paper at international conference on ‘A Study on Investors Perception Towards Online Trading In Chennai , Indian Academic Researchers Association, Vol 2, No:39,Sep- 2013, ISSN No: 2250-1940.
Presented a paper at National conference on ‘A study on performance of term loan with reference to Tamilnadu state co-operative bank’ vol.5 April 2018, ISSN 2321-4643.
Presented a paper at international journal on ‘Analysis of the volatility of the bank index stocks and compare it with volatility of NIFTY, BIZAD 2019, ISSN No: 2348-1269.2.