
  • Start Date 16/03/2024
  • Start Time 09:00 AM
  • End Date 16/03/2024
  • End Time 04:00 PM
  • Location Kochi, Kerala

About Event

SRM Arts and Science College, Department of Microbiology, has organized an industrial visit on 16/03/2024 to Unibiosys Biotech Research Labs, Kochi, Kerala. The visit was organized by Head of the Department Dr. O.V. Ravi Kumar, the coordinators of the industrial visit were Dr. P.Sujith and Dr. P.F. Paul Beulah. A total of 44 students (I & II PG students) with 3 faculty members visited one of the leading Institute, who are specialized in various advanced molecular techniques, plant biotechnology, bioinformatics and animal cell culture techniques, they are one of the leading institute in implementing and managing biotech laboratories for industries and institutions. This visit was mainly focused on to understand the procedures and the advanced molecular techniques. The students visited various labs in the institute such as plant tissue culture lab, animal cell culture lab and molecular biology lab etc.

During this session, students interacted very effectively. This trip was highly useful for the students in terms of practical knowledge and will also be helpful for them to find placement opportunities in such institutes. We thank full to the Principal permitting for the Industrial visit.

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