With great pleasure I welcome you to SRM Arts and Science College..!!!
“Intelligence plus character is the goal of true education.” —Martin Luther King Jr.
SRM Arts and Science College aspires to achieve its visionary dream of its founder Chairman to provide world class education to the student and to make them responsible global citizen with knowledge and skills.
The College, in its 28 years of educational journey, has carved out niche for itself of academic excellence and has produced many great personalities. We believe that the student community can learn and be successful if they are provided the right opportunity and supports. Keeping this in mind, our staff members show complete commitment to providing the students appropriate atmosphere and challenging educational experience that foster their learning and academic growth. They are committed to produce gold medalists and university rank holders every semester and to produce competent graduates who can fulfil the expectation of future.
The students and the staff members consistently contribute to the image of the College with their outstanding performance in curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. We, at SRM ASC, accord prime importance to the behavioural discipline, moral integrity and personality development of our students. Training and Placement Cell, Department of Physical Education, NSS, Red Ribbon Club and Youth Red Cross offer integrated services for the holistic developments of our students.
I believe that the students joining the College will have great learning atmosphere, exposure and career. Welcome you to SRM Arts and Science College for a memorable stay to achieve higher goals in life.
Wishing you all the Best !
Prof. K. Mathiyazhagan, M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed.,
Vice Principal