“Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)” of the College organized ‘Meet the Alumni’ programme on 26.04.2022 at the Visual Communication’s Computer Animation Studio. The programme was conduction to reconnect with the College Alumni and celebrate their achievements and success. Mr. P. Natrajan, Head, Department of Visual Communication, welcomed the gathering and highlighted the various achievements of the College alumni. Alumni of our College in the year as 2017 – 2020, Mr. G. Karthikeyan and Mr. A.S. Hariprasath, Content writers, Hot star Chennai were the Chief Guests of the programme. Mr. G. Karthikeyan shared his experience and explained about the scope of derive content in Gaming. He also emphasized the need of developing reading habit to become a better Technical writer. Mr. A.S. Hariprasath delivered his speech on the importance of developing me’s narrative skill to shine in the field of script writer which would morally boast them to approach the companies confidently. Mr. A. Hariprasad, Assistant Professor of Visual Communication proposed the vote of thanks of the programme.